Here is my entry to the 2008 Lucato Peace Prize. This piece is really indicative of the way i am working at the moment. I think this one turned out ok, it is entitled "New Growth"
These are some tests i did, trying to digitally mix my paintings and the photos i took of my sister dancing. I didn't manipulate them very much, but i think there is potential in this. More work required...
These works are currently part of the Brunswick Street Gallery Small Works show, which is on for another week i believe... Apologies for the poor quality, something weird happened when i scanned them.
i did this when i was mucking around with my entry for the International Skull Drawing Comp. i like this better than the original entry but they had to be black and white and A4... The skulls can be seen at Rise and Fall from April 30 onwards...
This is my first work for class time of 2008. i made other things over the holidays, but most of them were for gifts or for selling. i should really have taken photos before i sent them off into the world. This is actually the digitally manipulated version of a small ink/watercolour/collage work that is still in progress. Am currently thinking i will make a drypoint copy of the image also. I'll post it if i do!